Short Croquet 30th April

Short croquet is a faster version of the standard Croquet Association game played on a half-lawn for 14 points.
There were 16 entrants to this annual club competition  With a wide range of handicaps,  the competition was run  in 4 blocks so that everyone had a fair chance to reach the finals which will be played on Club Finals weekend at the end of this season.
Semi-final players were selected from the players with the most wins from each block.
Terry Young, winner of Block A played the winner of Block C, Brian Roynon, and Erica Malaiperuman, winner of Block B, played the winner of Block D, Kathy Wallace.
In two entertaining matches, Erica won hers 14 points to Kathy’s 7.  Brian was unable to gain a point in his game, as Terry dominated the game and finished in record time winning by the maximum 14 points.

The final between Erica and Terry will be difficult to predict but hotly contested for who becomes the club 2017 short croquet champion.